Total Booty Workout!
May 01, 2017
Make your booty burn no matter where you are! I filmed this series in a hotel room to show you that you can exercise wherever you are! At home, on vacation, on your lunch break – whenever! You can always replace the couch with a chair or bench too.
When I designed this workout for you, I made sure that you will hit the most important parts of the booty – the lower butt where it meets the thighs to lift to perky perfection, the outer glutes to slim and tighten, and top part of the glute for that bubbly butt!
This workout is inspired by both Yoga and Barre. The moves are simple yet effective. Enjoy!
Go through each of the exercises once with one leg first, then repeat all of the exercises on the other leg. Do not pause between exercises. You can take a 1 minute break between sets.
- It’s easy to forget about the core when you’re working on the legs. But I want you to make sure that you are keeping the abs in the entire time that you doing these exercises.
- When the exercise calls for a straight leg, make sure the leg is really straight. Meaning that the quad is engaged and knee cap is lifted.
Post Workout Stretch:
After this butt workout, do this STRETCH ROUTINE and release those legs. 🙂
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1. Crouching Warrior III
Start in Warrior III. Keeping the hips square, gracefully bend back knee into chest, as you also bend standing leg. Then straighten standing leg, and reach extend tucked leg back out to Warrior III.
Do: 15 reps each leg
2. Arabesque Kicks
Start in Warrior III with arms extended overhead, palms facing in towards each other. Keep the upper body solid in the Warrior pose, and standing leg strong and still, and lower back leg down so that your toes tap the floor, then lift leg back up to Warrior III. Keep back leg very straight!
Do: 15 reps each leg
3. Criss Cross Couch Tap
Place your hands on the edge of your couch and kneel about an arm’s distance away from your couch, with back leg crossed behind you at a diagonal. Keeping a light touch on the edge of your couch, lift up to standing as you swing your back leg up and around to tap the side edge of your couch. Your goal is to get your back leg up at hip height as shown. Then lift leg up and around back to kneeling in the same crossed position that you started in.
Do: 15 reps each leg
4. Lunge Back Kick
Place your hands on the edge of your couch and kneel about an arm’s distance away from your couch, with back leg lunged straight behind you. Keeping a light touch on the edge of your couch, lift up to standing as extend back leg to arabesque. Your goal is to get your back leg up at hip height as shown. Then carefully place back foot back into the split stance, and lower body back down into the low lunge.
Do: 15 reps each leg
5. Side Couch Tap
Start standing with the couch to the side of you, about a leg’s distance away. Keep standing leg tall and straight for entire exercise, and working leg straight with flexed foot. Pull lower belly in, and lift the working leg up to hip height (or whatever is comfortable to you), and then softly tap the edge of the couch.
Do: 30 reps each leg
6. Cross Kick
Start standing in the middle of the room. Take the working leg and cross it over the standing leg. Then kick working leg out to the side, and then bend the leg back through to the same starting crossed position. Keep abs in the whole time.
Do: 30 reps each leg
7. Kneeling Couch Taps
8. Bend and Kick
Start kneeling on the couch, with both hands on the floor. Extend working leg to high arabesque, then tap the knee down to the couch. Repeat.
If this is too intense for you, you can do the same exercise on the floor instead of elevated on the couch.
Do: 30 reps each leg
9. Couch Sumo Kicks
Start kneeling on the couch, with both hands on the floor, with hands angled to side. Extend working leg to high arabesque, then bend the knee through and place working foot on the floor. It’s important to put weight into the working foot and transfer the weight for just a few moments before returning back up to extended arabesque.
If this is too intense for you, you can do the same exercise on the floor instead of elevated on the couch.
Do: 30 reps each leg
10. Kick and Chill
Start kneeling on the side of your couch, with supporting hand on the back rest of the couch, and working leg on floor to the side of you. Keeping working leg flexed, lift leg up to hip height, then tap the floor. Remember to keep abs in, and working leg super straight. Think of lifting from the heel, and not the toes. Knee cap is facing forward the whole time, not up towards the ceiling.
Do: 30 reps each leg
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