Ladies: Lose Weight & Solve Your Gut Issues WITHOUT Supplements, Shakes, Fasting or Depriving Yourself

Imagine If...


….your body was no longer a mystery knew how to solve your weight & gut issues no longer had power over you

...instead, you were able to use food to heal your body felt empowered in your food choices and confident in your body


Do you want this to be YOUR reality?

Heal My Gut is your formula to achieve ALL of this and more!

Be the first to know when next enrollment opens!


The 6-Week high touch group coaching program designed to help you holistically lose weight & keep it off without starving yourself and finally solve your bloating and indigestion problems WITHOUT supplements, shakes, fasting or complicated protocols.

You're about to... 

Lose Weight

Effortlessly lose weight and keep it off without supplements, shakes, or bars. Eat when you want, as much as you want, and watch the weight and inflammation naturally leave your body.


Finally solve the mystery of bloating, constipation, gas, and the number of digestive issues that accompany it. You don't have to live with bloating anymore - in fact, it's not normal to constantly be bloating. Finally reveal the true you without the excess bloat.


Heal your body and rebalance your hormones through a simple meal plan that allows your body to enter a healing state: giving you abundant energy, clearing your brain fog, and curbing your sugar addictions for good - so you can finally be in control of your eating habits.

Is This You?

👉You’re noticing you can't just cut calories to lose weight like you used to

👉You have uncontrollable cravings and are always fatigued

👉You're frequently bloated, gassy or constipated

👉No matter what you try to lose weight and debloat, nothing seems to work

👉No one has been able to give you a straight answer as to why you're experiencing your digestive issues

👉People have told you weight gain is natural as you age...and maybe your gut issues are irreversible and you should just accept it

👉But you know there's a holistic solution out there for you and you're willing to do whatever it takes to heal your body

If one or ALL of those resonate with you...
Heal My Gut is your next right step.

Be the first to know when next enrollment opens!

Eat Until You're Satisfied and Still Lose Weight

What's Included

7 Live Coaching Calls

24/7 Text Support

6 Week Workout Plan

6 Week Meal Plan & Shopping Guides

Community Motivation & Accountability


How It Works:


✓ Proven Process for Results

✓ Unlimited On-Demand Support

✓ Direct Accountability

✓ Supportive Community

✓ Comprehensive Education

This Is For You IF:

  • You want to lose stubborn belly fat
  • You’re sick of counting calories and/or starving yourself
  • You bloat no matter what you try 
  • You thrive with a clear step by step process
  • You see the value in personal coaching
  • You're committed AF to achieving your body goals

This Is NOT For You IF:

  • You’re looking for a cheap ‘magic pill’
  • You’re not willing to make any changes to your current lifestyle
  • You’re not able to eat red meat
  • You want a vegan/vegetarian plan
  • You’re not open minded & coachable 
  • You don’t take your goals seriously and you don’t consider investing in yourself

The Formula

Hormone Balance

The main reason why most men and women can’t seem to lose weight as they get older is because of some type of hormone imbalance. This is why our goal is balancing your hormones. This will allow you to heal your metabolism and break through any weight loss plateau and allow you to lose weight naturally. Also experience stable energy, no longer experience those energy crashes halfway through the day.

Address Bloating

It’s the most frustrating thing when you feel 9 months pregnant after every meal. It’s my mission to make sure that you no longer have to worry about this again! We’ll be sharing with you the straight forward answers behind why you bloat and help you discover what it feels like to not bloat after every meal!

Repair The Gut

In this process you’ll be reversing years of damage by addressing the root cause of gut issues. Discover what those factors are and what it truly feels like to heal your gut. As a by product experience clearer skin and less mood swings for an overall more positive energy.

Strengthen Your Body

Connect to your body, improve your strength and increase your mobility with a personalized and easy to follow workout routine. Get access to your 6-week workout program inside the Stretchy Fit App to go alongside your nutrition. Receive access to a balance of body weight training and yoga - all of which you can do at home with minimal equipment. 

Reprogram Your Mind For Success

Our core beliefs are what determine our thought process, feelings and behavior and if left un-checked can cause us to self-sabotage our own results without realizing it. In the program you’ll learn my signature 9-step belief busting process to break through what’s blocking you from losing weight and solving your gut issues so you can finally feel in control of your body again.

Heal Your Relationship With Food

No longer be controlled by your cravings and binge, or be afraid of food and starve yourself. Discover how to develop a positive relationship with food at home and out in social settings. You’ll be able to eat when you’re hungry, eat until you’re full and lose weight at the same time. You won’t have anxiety around food making you gain weight either. Finally feel in control and SATISFIED with your eating habits and STILL have the body you want.

Be the first to know when next enrollment opens!

How This Is Different

What You Won't Be Doing

✖️Annoying time-consuming protocols

✖️Suffering from bloating

✖️Buying Shakes, Supplements, Bars

✖️Spending Hours Meal-Prepping

✖️Fasting and Starving Yourself

✖️Stressing Yourself Out

✖️Struggling On Your Own

What You Will Be Doing

✓ Learning the simple healing process

✓ Dropping weight naturally

✓ Eating Real Food

✓ Spending Less Time in the Kitchen

✓ Satisfying your hunger

✓ Healing Your Body

✓ Guided & Supported Everyday



…no longer feel confused about what food works for your body


...have solved your bloating issues and fixed your digestion


…fit into your clothes again and feel amazing in your body


...wake up excited to start your day in a body you feel proud of


...beam with confidence knowing you're making the most of each meal, each moment & each choice


Hi, I'm Jacquelyn!

I’m the creator of Heal My Gut, my signature holistic weight loss program to help struggling women reset their bodies to a healthy weight. I’m going to share with you how the heck I got here, and why I’m SO obsessed about this holistic approach to weight loss.

I know what it’s like to be in a constant struggle to maintain body weight/image. I was a ballerina, a professional dancer and a celebrity trainer and for most of my life losing weight was always so confusing. I would mostly resort to starving myself, and when I did eat I would feel fearful and guilty that it would make me gain weight.

Now on the surface, it might seem like I have it all together, but underneath I’ve actually struggled with some serious health conditions I never come out about. I’ve struggled with extreme digestive issues, bloating after every meal, embarrassing gas, constipation to the point of hemorrhoids, amenorrhea from being anemic, huge painful cystic acne on my face & back, fatigue & low energy to the point of falling asleep while driving, and even eye floaters! YET I was so “healthy” working out all the time...doing everything I’m “supposed to be doing”. I felt "fine" but these symptoms were all a huge mystery to me.

So what did I do for all this? I saw doctors, naturopaths, GI doctors, dermatologists and they would want me to get extreme procedures or leave me with antibiotics and supplements that only made my problems WORSE. The dermatologist even told me, “well, you’re in your 30s now and cystic acne is hormonal so you’re most likely going to have it until you hit menopause.” I was like WHAT?!!!!

At that moment I had to take matters into my own hands and seek out the answers on my own. So I did what most people do when they’re desperate yet determined, I researched & researched & tried and tested every holistic approach you could think of. I tried paleo, low fat, atkins, low calorie, carb cycling, intuitive eating (eat wtf I want), binge eating, dairy free, gluten free, intermittent fasting, the bulletproof diet, shake detoxes, juice cleanses, plant-based and even tried vegan….NONE of which worked for me.

I thought my metabolism was slowing down because I’m “in my 30’s now” and was just meant to accept that this is “just the way it is now”.

Finally, on my journey of testing, I found the method that WORKED. 

I lost weight without even trying! The puffiness in my face went away and I saw my abs for the first time. Most importantly, the painful bloating was completely gone. My tummy was flat after every meal. The embarrassing gas went away completely. My digestive system *flowed* without the annoying constipation. My cycle had regulated back to normal. The painful cystic acne went away. My energy was steady throughout the day without crashing or fatiguing. The uncontrollable binging went away. 

After getting these results I couldn’t just keep this method a secret. I HAD to share this because I know there’s so many women out there with a similar story that are still looking for answers.

For this reason, I created the Heal My Gut to help struggling women gain back control of their health and holistically reset their body to a healthy weight.

If you feel stuck in your weight loss journey and any of this resonated with you, then click the button below to apply for Heal My Gut and make this the year you get some answers and take back control of your health.

Be the first to know when next enrollment opens!

What Our Clients Are Saying



Here's my all time favorite before and after 👰 on the left I'm excited to have found a dress but also terrified of how I looked in it. On the right I still have a long way to go, but you know that it's possible!



Since HMG my weight loss battle is over - I feel I can lose weight but not feel I’m on a diet. My bloating is gone, inflammatory symptoms gone, joint pain gone, indigestion issues gone. I feel slimmer, healthier and more flexible than perhaps ever!


So grateful for the last 5 weeks! Feel so confident and healthy.






"I was finally able to see noticeable changes in my skin"

"Before the program I had been struggling with cystic acne on my chin, cheeks and jaw area, migraines, bloating, and seasonal allergies. I had been seeing dermatologists for the past 10 years and been on almost every kind of medication you can be prescribed for acne, without finding any long-lasting solutions. I had also tried seeking help through a naturopath, and still felt like I was struggling to find the answers I needed to be able to improve my health. I was feeling so lost, confused, let-down by the medical community, dealing with very low-self esteem, and starting to loose hope that I would ever find solutions to my problems. Through HMG I was finally able to see noticeable changes in my skin, and stopped getting the horrible cystic acne I was getting before. I experienced fewer migraines and seasonal allergy symptoms, less bloating, and saw more stable levels in my energy and mood. I truly believe in the power of food as a way to heal the body from the inside out, and this program has really proven that for me." -Natalie

"My bloating is pretty much non-existent."

"Before the program I was frustrated with the weight that I kept gaining even though I was very active. I was chronically tired and bloated. My face had hormonal acne and my periods were unbearably painful. I had pretty much hit rock bottom and was ready to try anything. I chose to join the program because I read other people’s stories of how they dealt with issues just like me and were able to get rid of them. Since joining, my face has cleared up, my bloating is pretty much non-existent, I have more energy, and my periods are normal again. I was also able to lose all the weight that I had gained." -Becca

Be the first to know when next enrollment opens!