Premium Courses
Purchase once, keep forever.

Get Upside Down
Learn the best technique to confidently get upside down in handstands, forearm stands, and headstands. My students are doing handstands when they never thought it was possible. Now it's your turn!

Splits 30
Learn to do the splits in 30 days. I've refined these trainings to offer you the safest & most effective way to drastically improve your flexibility and achieve your first splits!

Get Stretchy 2.0
Your 30 day Yoga plan that will 2x your flexibility. Improve posture, reduce pain, alleviate stress, optimize balance, gain strength, & spike your metabolism with just 15 minutes a day. This is perfect for all levels!

Get Stretchy At Work
Decrease pain and prevent injuries due to chronic sitting at your computer, typing, and texting in 30 days- with my office yoga program. Unlock your bodies full potential at work with a series of seated and standing yoga postures, breathing and posture techniques, without leaving your desk or changing out of your work clothes. It’s never been easier to keep your body from getting hurt from living a sedentary lifestyle by incorporating quick and simple therapeutic yoga flows into your work breaks.