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3 Ways Pilates Transforms Your Body (+ Free Beginner Workout)

Feb 22, 2022

If you think you need an expensive reformer machine to achieve the Pilates body, think again. You can still achieve transformative results from your mat at home, and for a fraction of the cost.

But what is Pilates anyways? Besides a buzz word and workout style LOVED by celebs.

Pilates is a low-impact workout that is effective at lengthening and strengthening your muscles through slow, controlled and repetitive movements. It is a total body workout where each muscle group will be fired up, engaged & elongated. You will walk off your mat working muscles you never even realized existed, to shape and lean-out your physique. It’s magical!

Here’s 3 reasons why I think you should incorporate Pilates into your workout routine at least twice a week.

  1. Improved Posture:
    A huge focus in Pilates is maintaining proper alignment and balance as you move through each exercise. I tell my students to pretend a string is tied to the top of their head and to stand as if it was being pulled up. Pilates will ask you to make important mind-body connections every class through thoughtful, targeted and controlled movements. This will benefit you on and off your mat. You’ll be sitting at your desk chair and thinking about the string and immediately sit up straight. Not only is good posture important for overall health purposes, it also radiates an appearance of confidence and will soothe that constant back pain.
  2. Rock Hard Abs:
    Your core is a powerhouse muscle group that is actively engaged and developed in every Pilates class. Since it is our center point between our upper and lower planes we use our deep core muscles (Transverse Abdominals and Pelvic Floor) to hold our positioning and stabilize in each exercise. Your abdominal muscles will be fired up the entire time and with consistent practice you will begin to pull from your core, rather than your back (bye bye backaches!)
  3. Toned, Flexible & Balanced Physique
    Pilates brings me back to my dancing years! When I was a professional ballerina, we cross-trained in Pilates to create strength from the inside-out. While most Pilates classes don’t incorporate a high-intensity cardio  aspect, you will still work up a sweat. Don’t let the slow and controlled moves fool you - your heart rate will be revved up! Pilates may be gentle, but it is also challenging and defines your muscles in new, exciting ways!

Have I convinced you to try it yet? I hope so because I made THIS video for you!

This gentle Pilates class is perfect for beginners. It requires no equipment and can be done right from your living room in 25 minutes. I will be there guiding you through each movement and providing modifications. It's just you and me :)

Pilates is so transformative for your mind, body & soul. You are going to love how you feel after each session  and will want to incorporate this training style into your routine. & you know what that means? Consistency - which we already know is what produces real results.

Pilates will help you stand taller, breathe through the resistance (on and off the mat), navigate through challenging movements with grace and fall in love with every inch of your body.

Give it a try and watch how it transforms your life.

Loved the class and looking for more? Inside my Stretchy Fit App I have an entire Pilates category that has a combination of different styles for you to choose from, plus 400+ different other on-demand follow-along workout classes that I know you will love. You can start your risk-free 7 day trial here.

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